Scientific requirements

The articles, materials and reviews should be in the field of ethnology, folklore, anthropology or history and meet the profile of the journal, which can be verified in the previous issues.

Bulgarian Ethnology publishes scientific articles in Bulgarian language.

The text must be original and not previously published in Bulgarian or in another language.


Each article is subjected to peer reviewing by two independent scholars who are well established experts in the respective research field. The reviewing is based on the double-blind principle: both the reviewers and the author of the article remain anonymous to each other. The articles are evaluated according to their original scientific contribution, good argumentation of the thesis, style and language.

The final decision for publishing the article is made by the Editorial Board taking into account the evaluation and recommendations of the reviewers.

No manuscripts are returned to their authors.


The Editorial Board of Bulgarian Ethnology aspires to provide an up-to-date, rich and professionally presented information at a high academic level. At the same time, we share the opinion that the content of the published materials is the exclusive right and responsibility of their authors. The expression of any views and standpoints which are in disagreement with the Bulgarian Law or the publication ethics of the journal is not accepted.


Bulgarian Ethnology is indexed in ERIH PLUS