Technical requirements

  1. Manuscripts should not exceed 50 000 characters. Manuscripts should be written in MS Word; Font Times New Roman (recommended Font size 14 and 1,5 spacing); .doc or .rtf format. The article should be provided with an abstract (up to 1000 characters).
  2. As the journal is published in an electronic version, in a separate file should be presented: the title of the article, up to 10 keywords and information about the author: names, academic titles and position held, affiliation, current address and e-mail.
  3. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed anonymously and are not returned to the authors.
  4. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, and should not be of significant importance to the main argument.
  5. Footnote numbers in the text should always appear after punctuation.
  6. Location of the footnotes: at the bottom of the page (i.e. as footnotes).
  7. Footnote numbering: consecutively numbered, starting with the number 1 (no Roman numerals).
  8. Citations within the text:
  • Single author quotation: (Bayly 1993: 208);
  • Two authors, more than one page: (Humphrey and Hugh-Jones 1991: 124-6);
  • Several authors: (Goody et al. 1987: 25);
  • Citation of another author's work in secondary text: (Laidlaw 1996 cited in Lewis 1998: 45);
  1. Bibliography and websites:

9.1. Single author monograph:

Grebenarova, S. 2009. Fire in the Ordinances of Bulgarians. Ethnographic Areal Research. Sofia: EIM.

9.2. Journal article:

Wolf, G. 2000. The "Raduil" – Ethnological Study of the Village between "the Micro," "Experienced History" and "Private Life." In: Bulgarian Ethnology, vol. 4, 5 - 16.

9.3. Article in a collection/chapter in a book:

Lotman, Y. 1990. The Problem of "Learning Culture" as its Typological Characteristics. In: Poetics. Typology of Culture. Sofia: National Culture, 273 - 284.

9.4. For archival unit:

AEIM 511-III, Bratislava, Zap. St. Anton and the Iv. Nikolov.

9.5. Internet source:

Lauth Bacas, J. 2002: Cross-border Marriages and the Formation of Transnational Families: A Case Study of Greek – German Couples in Athens, Transnational Communities series, WPTC-02-10: <>

9.6. For transliteration of Bulgarian Cyrillic texts please use Bulgarian law of transliteration available here.

Photos and Images

The photos and images should be sent electronically in separate files with precise information: where, when, by whom the picture was taken, what it indicates, where it is stored (archive, archival number, personal archives, etc.).

For example:

Photo 1. Monument Memorial – Svishtov city. Image: Nikolai Vukov, 2009.

Photo 2. Vera Stambolova. Photographer: Ivan Atanasov Karastoyanov. Date: not before 1889. Location: Sofia. Scholar archive of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, fund 19K, inventory number 2, p. 2.

The author of the article is responsible for the copyright of the photos. Please mark the place of the photos or images in the text.